Stock pricewise, what is the turning point?Good Eveing,
The turkey was great and even leftover the next day was good. What Pip, and Bob said the other day, got me to thinking. A little funding and tech news and nothing. So what is the market waiting for? Commissioning? In the Navy commissioning is when the Navy takes ownship of a ship or base. So what does commissioning of the Demo plant do? They are done stress testing the plant and are ready to begin testing the feed stock or what? What is the event or funding that turns the stock price around? I am not talking Rapid's 100/300 a share. That does not happen until Ucore is listed on an exchange and ETF, mutal funds, and insurance conpanies can buy into Ucore. But what event moves the stock price up to the point that it can go on exchange?
Anybody got any ideas?