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Bombardier Inc. T.BBD.A

Alternate Symbol(s):  BDRPF | T.BBD.PR.B | BDRXF | T.BBD.PR.C | T.BBD.PR.D | BOMBF | BDRAF | T.BBD.B | BDRBF

Bombardier Inc. is a Canada-based manufacturer of business aircraft with a global network of service centers. The Company is focused on designing, manufacturing and servicing business jets. The Company has a worldwide fleet of more than 5,000 aircraft in service with a variety of multinational corporations, charter and fractional ownership providers, governments and private individuals. It operates aerostructure, assembly and completion facilities in Canada, the United States and Mexico. Its robust customer support network services the Learjet, Challenger and Global families of aircraft, and includes facilities in strategic locations in the United States and Canada, as well as in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, China and Australia. The Company's jets include Challenger 350, Challenger 3500, Challenger 650, Global 5500, Global 6500, Global 7500 and Global 8000.

TSX:BBD.A - Post by User

Post by MyNameIsNobodyon Nov 26, 2023 11:59am
Post# 35753413

Aircrafts flight tested vs number of deliveries/exportations

Aircrafts flight tested vs number of deliveries/exportationsAt this point, based on the CCAR exportations list, we still need Bombardier to get 40 aircrafts out of the door to reach the '138 or more' target for the year. This is misleading, because we all know they do not just export aircrafts and military deliveries might not be taken into account in this list. (As far as I know, for the military part)

I've been trying to figure out why there were so many aircrafts tested (not flight tests, but really individual aircrafts tested) and comparatively so quite a few deliveries less.  Some other user posted stuff as facts and had me doing some digging.

The result confirmed my previous assumption about the mismatch. Bombardier has delivered at least 7 more aircrafts than the 40 we know of.  These deliveries were made in Canada.  

If we add the 2 Bombardier Defense deliveries announced by Bombardier, one in October and the other in November, 9 aircrafts would have been delivered and not taken into account in our 'in house deliveries needed' countdown.

Let's be conservative and not add the military, since I'm not sure if these are included in the CCAR list or not, and just add the 7 delivered in Canada.  This would make 40 'in house still needed' minus 7 delivered in Canada for a total of a maximum of 33 left to deliver.

Knowing that last year Bombardier delivered 25 aircrafts in December alone makes me think that reaching the 138+, as planned by Eric Martel, is a very easily achievable goal.

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