RE:NEWS, REEKS OF DESPERATIONDesperation is putting it release was saying basically " WE HAVE CONTINUED PROBLEMS" and have had problems for a long while. His month long plus remedies to resolve the water issues with 3 of those initial wells were unsuccessful and appears to me now all 6 wells are having similar issues.. Thats a Major problem and brings much more reduced revenues in monthly. This announcement only puts that Financing in more jeopardy of CLOSING anytime soon, and may NOT close at all..JUST MY OPINION...I suggest that the share price will only trend downwards much further..and then suggest that the CEO will try and conserve further much needed expenses to support his company G&A and which includes his large $500K salary going forward..They are in a financial delemma..and in my opinion are close to Bankruptcy,.If that Financing Deal is not closed!!!..Cash is running out quickly..CEO has alot to explain..and Im sure many have contacted him, NOW you see why Insiders , the CEO and his management team was selling shares prior to that share consolidation...They new first hand what was going on,...We retail investors DIDNT!!! Time will Tell...Dont expect today share price to HOLD ...