Follow the advise of our expert investor.Be careful in reading posts from certain posters who may not have your best interests in hand!
Be wary of pumper and promotors who are often paid to post lavish praise on bad stocks.
Be wary of chronic bashers as they are often paid posters who have taken a short position and will benefit from a low share price.
The person whom I suggest all follow is an infrequent poster who thoughtfully explains his informed opinion of the merits , or lack of, in the various stocks he follows.
This fine gentleman is very humble and I will only refer to him as jr.
Jr has owned one stock in his life but his experience in this one Company was life altering and he has rewarded QMET with his gained wisdom.
To understand what trade he made would require you to read his post on a $1/2 Million investment he made on an aspiring Marijuana Compan that was ready to build a $3 Million growhouse in Quebec. His expertise and foresight led him to share the following post on the then Matica board. To see how much our dear freind JR wss rewarded would require you to check the current share price of Matica, which now trades as WIB.
Here is the post that made him what he is today! Thanks again JR.
jrussellhustles wrote: I stated earlier that I was going to pick up an extra 300k of MMJ at $.45 cents just to keep the shorters on their toes, but as deperate as the bashers are here today, it's obvious that they can't cover at $.49, so I'm upping my buy to 500k on Monday as well just to make it even harder for these poor fools. It's great seeing these losers sweat, I love it!. Great time to buy guys, watch this stock skyrocket this week. Good luck to all those invested in Matica.