RE:Increase in kids hospitalized after eating THC gummiesThis is the kind of intended propaganda that is wrong and dangerous because it is misleading and does nothing but damage everywhere....the responsibility needs the spotlight or you just create more problems like here. The people/ parents responsible for any cause at home, the child can't legally get the gummies and if the child snitched them the parents are the responsible ones. If the child got the gummies at a school or daycare there are always rules and systems in place, in this day and age and if not then the adults in control in each case are the managers/ those in control are responsible.
The degree on the child increases with age and availability to areas they have already been schooled on. If that child hits 20yrs and steals a car and crashes a store front so him and the boys can load what they can in fentanyl, codine and anything else that they can get their hands on the kid will get punished to the full extent of the law and pay up.
Are others like parents, fake news and the government agencies culpable? With all the issues that are self plaguing society more daily when are the schools going to be teaching reading, writing, arithmatic, social sciences are key here...who is responsible, the child?? The training needs to be in place by the time they are adults and are not only totally responsible for their actions but necessary for training of their kids and their actions until they are adults.
There is now a real need for legally grown and inspected cannabis to be sold as other commodities in this area, many find high quality cannabis much more effective and much safer than the pharma chemicals that kill.
Everybody in the chain has responsibility and schools/ teachers stay in their lane and do the job intended or home schooling is going to continue taking market share? This is upside down, folks pay big tax dollars and they need to teach their kids at home? The schools are more political grooming and indoctrination, while education and trianing to be a productive member of society is what parents/ society expect and demand. Drug problems, fentanyl killing and the weak and tiny minded have permeated the handlers here as well, wide open borders with fentanyl et al killing the next generation early and right through to their more than likely early demise.
Maybe rewind in NA back to shutting down NA oil production down to a trickle and the coup has seen to a downhill slide from wealth to poverty for many now and more on the way?...more fenanyl by the ton daily? Something is wrong and it ain't the kids!!...JMHO...Opt