RE:Proph, What is the job of a Revenue Officer?Proph,aka gagnon that is not a business plan not even a plan. It is something that has been stated year after year with no results or definite plan to succeed. It is like a moron chasing all the shiny objects in the field never getting one but wasting energy (in this case money) trying.
Your feed back further reinforces that you,aka gagnon and his merry group of robbers have no plan and absolutely no business sense. If I presented this garbage to my boss I would be handed my walking paper instantly. It reminds me of a Sinfeild episode where Kramer gets a job that he has absolutely no idea on what to do.
By the way where in the business plan does it show how to decrease revenue by 200% in 1 year. Because that is what their plan has done.
Just an abosolute disgrace and your frankly should be ashamed of yourself trying to pass this grade 2 garbage forward as a 5 year business plan. SHAMEFUL proph aka gagnon