MovingAfter reading the update I'll put my tail between my legs and move my call of $3 to $5 by end of Dec/23 to mid March/2024. As we get closer to the goal-line and the lack of funds from the just completed financial raise plays hard on starting Lung & Brain cancer in my opinion. As others have also stated the fine tuning by Theralase to satisfy the FDA for BTD is again in my opinion the most important task by this company. What a shame with such impressive data that this company isn't already trading shares above $3 right now. No one can tell me analysts aren't watching, I know they are, but I don't know why they refuse to discuss or cover TLT. One of the analyst I know who was a regular guest on BNN told me he couldn't tell me why its not discussed, my gut says they are waiting for the announcement of BTD followed soon after (months?) by JV partnerships. More speculation on my part, still love this company.