RE:RE:RE:3.2bn NPVGuess we'll need to see which gets built first, the road or the mine. But that road will need to get built sooner or later. The white gold district is much bigger than any one mine. There is enough ore there to keep busy for centuries. Casino is the motherlode, but we are not the only lode. In fact, there is another unexplored porphry on the Casino property (northern tip of Casino property), and two or three more on the Canada Creek property. WGO might share our road for Betty. Freegold will definitely share our road. We will be the largest mine in the Yukon ever, but lots of other mining projects will ride on our coattails and they'll need the road, too. This is not a one off. The majority of Yukoners get it. Building infrastructure will make the Yukon rich and the benefits will not go to just mining companies. However, money invested in infrastructure is necessary to make it work. Just my two cents.