Purpose Just to make it clear, the purpose for my two recent posts about a 16 year-old family member dying from glioblastoma has been to express my opinion that, if xB3 works as hoped, then mismanagement of Bioasis may have had and may continue to have grave consequences for sufferers of CNS disorders. But note this; the brain tumour in our family member’s case was so advanced before diagnosis, and was so aggressive, that successful treatment may have been impossible. DrDR and RH should be held responsible for the failure of Bioasis but not for individual, isolated, and anecdotal illnesses.
It is also a purpose of mine to keep this Bioasis mess alive, to continue holding management responsible for whatever went wrong, whether it was and remains mismanagement, personal greed or just plain laziness to do the hard things.
A search for sympathy on my part, as posited by TheTruth1234, is ridiculous. This is a stock forum. It’s also 2023. It goes with the territory that any kind of public statement made on any of social media will be attacked by people like TT and beenthere. They have nothing else to offer but trolling and they know it. beenthere is a victim, and appears devoid of any sense of responsibility for his own situation, which is a trait of narcissists. TheTruth1234 is obsessed with me. You can see him trying to come up with new insults about me but he can’t. He just makes the same posts over and over, thinking with each that he’ll get different results.
I do sympathize with beenthere for his losses, as I do for my own and those of all Bioasis shareholders, but many of us lost far more than beenthere has.
I will continue to post, occasionally, until all vestiges of Bioasis, xB3, and DrDR disappear from public view. There is news yet to come out about all of this, most likely that Rathjen will sell xB3, and, in some form, will walk away from Bioasis with more than any of us ever got out of it.