Pot Cos Show Big Green TodayLooking very positive, especially for the areas with high levels of potentially fentanyl laced bud and high death count to date. The demonizing of cannabis has to be drown in fact, because clean up is going to be huge, necessary and started now. Legal cannabis is the key to the eradication of the illegal product and needs to be the basis for the legal production and distribution.
Klein and team have been making ready for a long time and will have a very decent sales distribution and production facilities to hit the ground running where and when laws allow. Legal cannabis is the key to a safe and secure country, continent and fast as we can see from Biden's killer programs to date. The results for the alcohol industry that went through the same entry program and the results are pretty well as good as is possible...the same is needed with cannabis send the 'gangsters' and the corrupt establishment to jail.
Just think of all the product to come from Hollywood, entertainment and high quality, inspected, fentanyl free, reasonably priced product that will help many as they age for years to come,
Everybody needs to do their DD and buy, sell or hold accordingly. JMHO...Opt
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