MEG MEG would be a great candidate to operate a CTI RFXL brown field demo project for a couple of reasons:
1. reached post-payout in 2023-Q2 (meaning royalty payment jumps with post payout rules).
2. they have excess electricity from their 88MW co-gen plant. Therefore low cost for a brownfield demo.
3. they are innovative in SAGD new designs, (one eg placement of producer wells between exisitng pads to capture more production (however this violated someone else's IP)). Therefore they think outside the box.
4. they have >150 inactive wells (or ~75 well pairs?) either depleted to uneconomic levels. Some of which might be great candidate for a "portable" CTI RFXL brownfield site. Know past production history. Producer hz pipe in place. Ex-steam pipe can be observation well for data acquistion. Again another reason for a low cost component for a brownfield demo..