BK - will USA get involved, protect Guyana ?the US Navy doesn’t have enough ships to go down there, and we can’t do gunboat diplomacy because we don’t have any gunboats, we don’t have any spare gunboats that we can send down there. They can say, “Well, we’ll send an aircraft carrier.” I’m sorry, we won’t, because the aircraft carriers are busy doing other things over in the Med and in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. So it’s like, how do you do gunboat diplomacy when you don’t have any gunboats? Well, in the olden days, I guess you’d sail a battleship down there or something, but that was then, this is now. So yeah, the opportunity’s there, and you’ve got opportunity, you got motive. So sometimes, isn’t that what the criminologists talk about in terms of when people decide to commit crimes? But this is all in the context of oil becoming more and more valuable. And gold obviously is over $2,000 today, if you’ve been paying attention, it got up to over 2,000 about a week or so ago, and it hovered there