How's the leasing thing coming along? November 2020 Q&A
Q5. What is your business model for replacing fossil fuel burners with plasma torches, specifically in the iron ore pelletization industry which seems to be the low-hanging fruit?
A. This is a very good question.
Our offering is geared to address the need to develop fossil fuel free energy-mining-iron-steel value chain and thereby provide a basis for governance and industrial strategies for transformative change. Until recently, the business model was simply to sell torches (with an internal target of $3MM NPV per torch) with the recurring revenue derived from typical maintenance and spare parts contracts.
We now have come to appreciate the economics of leasing torches instead of an outright sell. This model has clear advantages to both parties; little-to-no CAPEX to the buyer, healthy recurring revenue stream to the seller. At this stage, we see this to be the fastest way to grow this business segment, and is a significant strategy-shift for the Company as it relates to this offering, and which we expect will play a key role in our position/ongoing discussions with clients.