RE:Rio Tinto Investment Seminar 2023Jakob and Alf Barrios went to China and Japan about a month ago
Japanese/Chinese companies " how can we decrease carbon emissions?"
Currently would have reached target goals by 2060 (implementing new technologies will shorten to 2050)
Biomass substititing coal
Mark Davies - Decarbonization in Action
1 Commercial Transactions
2. Transformational Transactions
3. Industry Breakthroughs
Bold Baatar
"Copper is in high demand"
"Where are we going to get that supply?"
"Oyu is rare"
"Expansions at Utah"
"JV with Coldeco. Excited."
Kennecott- go from open pit to underground
Oyu - ahead of schedule
Escondida - concentrating replacement, leaching changes
- other projects under consideration (no comment on which projects - CA)
Peter Cunningham - Cu options, but can't comment
- decreasing nickel
- Jakob says lithium is too expensive at moment
1. Copper
2. Alluminum
3. Iron ore
Most will be invested in copper
Other notes but meeting starting now