Reunion Gold (RGD) comparison to OmaiWhen you look at some of the information about Reunion Gold in Guyana, the two properties are very similar. Mineral Resouces and grades are fairly close although Omai has not done as much deep drilling as RGD to date, but all the indications are the Omai grades are getting better and wider at depth. When you look at RDG current share price of .42 compared to the .065 of Omai you have to wonder has the market really got a grip on what Omai has in the ground or is something else happening behind the scenes.
The shares outstanding for RGD sits at just a little over 1.2 billion and a market cap of just over 507 million which is a far cry higher than the mere 377 million shares oustanding for Omai and a market cap of just over 24 million. An here we are sitting at .065 a share this morning. Either the market is blind or we have some entity trying to keep the stock price down until after the new resource update and PEA. There is no way this stock should be sitting at this stock price unless it is deliberately being kept down.