RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:HahahahahahahahHHhahahhahahhHhaOh no, its gojotv1, you two are one and the same. Same hyperbole, same lame poor grammar etc. The rhetoric sounds like a North Korean newscast.
Jonnyboy85 wrote: IainCaimbeul wrote: Oh dear, get help laddie.
Jonnyboy85 wrote: IainCaimbeul wrote: Get help.
Jonnyboy85 wrote: Wait wait wait, I really want to feel important and give the impression that people care about what I write so I'll refresh 2000 times to get that sweet sweet serotonin so I don't feel the big dark bad late at night when I'm all alone then log into another one of my aliases to defend myself when I get called out for it lololol
nothing more hilarious than when a professional internet troll gets bested and their only recourse is to tattle and cry to the stockhouse mods only to get bested once again. Sorry bout your luck, maybe not the right profession for you aye. don't worry you can always fall back on mugging grannies in dark allies for their change purses, though a little chilly out and higher risk of getting caught, lord knows you must be better at that than trying to rob people through stockhouse from looks of it:)
oh come now, no need to turtle like that so readily. Tell you what, you activate 3 or 4 more avatars to defend yourself and we'll have a right good lot of fun tonight, better yet, pump out a half dozen new accounts and I'll put on a pot of coffee like the old days. Promise you'll feel plenty better, you won't even have to refresh your post ls 2000 times or nothin, you'll have all the attention you could ask for. You always lash out around the holidays, and jonnyboy is always here for ya. I know it's lonely this time of year for you criminals, everyone heading out to make merry with friends and family and whatnot while you're seething with despair at your life choices that left you trolling stock forums for companionship. But have no fear, jonnyboy still loves ya