RE:The tail is wagging the dogNobody outside Canada, or even outside the shrill screeching from downtown elites in Ottawa,toronto, Vancouver......nobody cares a rats patooty about the hysterical climate noise. None of those people will EVER buy an energy stock. Never. It's completely pointless to be the least bit concerned with them. It's as pointless as Trump trying to get votes at an immigrant centre in New York or Biden humping legs at a monster truck rally. Divy vs buyback also doesn't matter if oil drops from 80 to 70. Ditto for oil rebound to 80 or 90. It may help or hurt at the margin, but it's flatulence in a hurricane. Better than a swift size 13 but that's all we got for a month so just a halt to the ax kicking would be a relief. I'll hibernate on my comfy bed of oil shares until the big rally coming in the new year wakes me up. Zzzzzz