Let's support each other hereHighper, I was pleased to see you post your latest post on the TUD board about it being too negative. We are also seeing our fair share of negativity on the TUO and AMK boards.
Everyone is of course frustrated with the gold market in general, especially after the Sunday night-Monday morning manipulation. And we all want this Treaty JV to be recognized for what it is...a monster!
Maybe other TUO posters could also help in the cause against the Seabridge gang's assault on Tudor and the Tudor management team. We need to support each other.
Also, how about we support each other's respective boards? When new eyes show up here what are they seeing? Too much of buy this, and not that JV partner. "Tudor shouldn't be raising money at this price", or "Tudor is stalling a PEA", or "Ken doesn't present well", or whatever the twist is. Or "TUO's news release wasn't accurate", or "Dino and also the AMK people get paid too much", "why is management issuing options?", or whatever. While we won't stop the attacks from without, we sure should refrain from attacking within. Shouldn't we?
How about we channel our energy into promoting the bigger picture here? The world class Treaty Creek project that we are all proud to be a part of.
I like TUD and hold a Tudor position. I like AMK and hold an AMK position, and I certainly like TUO and hold a TUO position.
This division is hurting us. Let's help each other here.