New Paper from the McFarland GroupRu(II) Phenanthroline-Based Oligothienyl Complexes as Phototherapy Agents Houston D. Cole, Abbas Vali, John A. Roque III, Ge Shi, Gurleen Kaur, Rachel O. Hodges, Antonio Francs-Monerris, Marta E. Alberto*, Colin G. Cameron*, and Sherri A. McFarland*
Publication Date:December 11, 2023
For those with a chemistry degree and $48 to spare there is a new paper from Dr. McFarland and colleagues. They are continuing to investigate the phototherapeutic efficacy against melanoma cells of the Ruthenium based photosensitizers Ru-0T to Ru-4T.
Ru-3T and Ru-4T turn out to be the most phototoxic, and the most active when exposed to longer wavelengths (greater depth of penetration) and under hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions. The fully available paper from May 2022 about Ru-3T and Ru-4T describes how powerful they are in anti-cancer activity. It's scandalous how such important intellectual property is lying idle. One day these super PDCs may make a contribution against melanoma and other cancers if Theralase can ever get adequately funded.