Calibre Take over of MarathonBelow, Ryan King talks about Calibre ake over of Marathon. Note Ryan King highlights the exploration potential of Marathon. This is where Calibre sees growth potential.
Calibre was an exploration company prior to becoming a producer. They excell at exploration, growing projects and increasing grades. They pour capital into drilling and deliver a high return on that.
Marathon has 3 pits now and are drilling other deposits that string along theValentine fault.
What is significant to note about the geology in Newfoundland is these deposits are high grade shallow open pits that string out along faults disecting Newfoundland in a N/E - S/W direction.
Newfound Gold has uncovered a string of shallow high grade deposiits along the Appleton fault.
Sokoman also found high grade deposits along the Valentine fault more into the central part of Newfoudland on a parallel with Newfound Gold. Labrador Gold is also hitting a string of high grade deposits along the Appleton Fault to the north of Newfound Gold.
Given Sokoman's large land package and the fact shallow high grade deposits are being found wide spread across Newfoundland indicates Sokoman will be uncovering more shallow high grade deposits on its holdings.