Consolidationhad to come, it was a no brainer the only issue was what the role back would be set at. Well its a 1 for 10 due to be completed by December 20th. As in most role backs we will likely see a drop off in share price after completion. The question now is how low will it drop? Once everyone is cleaned out it might turn out to be a very good buy. This reminds me of the Canadian realistate market, 3.8 million mortgages are coming due over the next 18 to 24 months 97% of those mortgages are over 1 million mostly in the greater toronto and vancouver areas. To qualify for a remortgate of 1 million dollars house holds need a family income of $260,000, here is the rub only 302,050 families in Canada make that kind of family income. So the question is how many are going to walk away from those houses? Here is another tack on 93% of those mortgae holders also have a line of credit against those houses . House prices will have to drop atleast 50% if interest rates stay at present percentages or close for the next year. Why did I post this, simple there will be no disposable income to by stocks. In my opinion look out below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!