Agagnorisis Anagnorisis is an important and interesting literary term that refers to the point in a story when a character makes a critical discovery or realization, often leading to a dramatic turning point in the plot.
It is derived from the Greek word "anagnrisis," which means discovery.
Think Neo in the matrix.
It’s a critical point in a story, or a turning point, a plot twist.
Are we at that point here on several levels?
There are a few promoters here, who were here for a long time, developed BC, and the one who got me to come to this board in the first place, science first.
I believe they may have gone through-Agagnorsis. Interesting that it happened right after the AMF allegations of fraud in the Globe and Mail article. Certainly, those were shocking revelations, and to most enough to turn the plot throw in the cards and MoveOn.
Data does that-at some point the facts reveal, and cause seismic changes to even the strongest promoters.
I have seen this play out on these boards now in 4 different stocks-all that dropped over 90%
Are we at this point again? There are several persistent, promoters here, and data will be available soon and the plot twist will happen. Time will tell.
Facts will reveal- data imatters. It always does.
As , Buffett has said, "you don’t know who is swimming, naked until the tide goes out" Then the ball ends, capital is decimated, sad sacks, and fat cats-money moves from those without data to those who knew.
Who is buying and who is selling?
Rinse and repeat-caveat emptor
For entertainment only, fwiw
Happy holidays and good luck