So far, all is going well with this development, say the company’s founders.
"I stepped down as CEO in July because I believe an AI supervised by humans can outperform me,” says Ahmed Lazem, co-founder. "She hasn't failed us.”
"The IndigoVX AI system has consistently surpassed our expectations - it's blown our minds." says Kais Dukes, CTO and co-founder of Hunna Technology. "The AI CEO has successfully identified under-explored markets, optimized resource allocation, and accurately forecasted consumer trends, with an over 90% successful decision rate."
According to the company, the successes of the AI as CEO to date include:
- defining a strong and realistic business strategy that the founders were able to execute
- identifying the startup idea in the first place
- providing key research for talks to roll out their medical AI nationally in the UAE
- selecting the UAE as an initial target market
- working with the AI every day for all business processes
Previously, Geoffrey Hinton, the former Google executive dubbed as “the godfather of AI”, warned that AI poses an existential risk to humans: AI will be able to develop a strong, built-in urge to obtain control.