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Q Precious & Battery Metals Corp. C.QMET

Alternate Symbol(s):  BTKRF

Q Precious & Battery Metals Corp., formerly Q Battery Metals Corp., is a diversified Canadian mineral exploration with operations primarily based in the Abitibi greenstone belt region of Val d'Or, Quebec. It holds 100% ownership in seven separate precious and critical elements projects in Canada. Its McKenzie East Property is comprised of 43 cells, totaling 1656 hectares (ha) in size. The Golden Valley Property is 1601 Ha in size. The La Corne Project claims were staked by it to cover the Boily-Berube mineral showing, hosting pyrite, chalcopyrite, and molybdenite. There are 14 lithium projects associated with the margins of the La Corne Batholith. Pontax Project claims cover 5,376 hectares in 101 contiguous claims located within the Lithium Triangle. Versant Property is located in the Lac Jerome municipality in the Cote-Nord region of Quebec. The Hector Strategic Metals Property is located in the Manicouagan Region of Quebec. The Gamart Property is located 130 Km west of Labrador City.

CSE:QMET - Post by User

Comment by bucheroncapitalon Dec 22, 2023 8:40am
Post# 35797302

RE:RE:RE:Of interest to our sister Company investors

RE:RE:RE:Of interest to our sister Company investorsSince he doesn't own the stock my take is that he's lonely in life and needs to express (or repeat himself) himself all day ! 
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