If only the 3 creditors had listened to TDMAN29It is obvious that TDMAN29 is not in full control of his emotions at this time. If you doubt me then repeat his last post out loud to yourself when he posted "Hahahahahahaha." You are free to experiment with the tone and mood but take note that there are no pauses between each "ha". Do that a few times and you will no longer be curious as to one of many reasons why LGRN refers to him as a donkey.
It is apparent that each creditor agreed to be repaid by shares based on a value of 5 cents each. However, the problem for TDMAN29 is that they paid no heed to his expertise inferring that it was questionable whether the shares were worth even 1 cent each. Obviously these creditors were not among the few that gave him a thumbs up on his posts. It was likely that after reading Kuipers posts about people suffering from the Dunning-Kruger syndrome theory, they must have concluded that even potato farmers were not immune. I personally know a number of financiers that would believe him to have the mind of a gerbil.