RE:The Market Sets the PriceI'm not convinced your latest theory has much merit.
The sp fluctuates on market reaction to news.
No one says "There are less shares now so we better get some".
It doesn't matter if I have 10,000 shares at 70 cents or 1,000 at 7 dollars, if I'm not selling I'm not selling them.
Either way, shorters can borrow them and sell them, but it's risky to short now with positive industry news on the horizon.
News is what influences buying and selling.
Industry news and company news.
The most important factor is whether the feds can stall safe banking and rescheduling for the foreseeable future.
If the market perceives no chance of either being passed, we are doomed because it appears that we cannot survive on Canada alone.
Until all hope for change is lost, we will probably stay around this level, assuming mgmt doesn't do something dumb like dilute us to death.
Although the risk here is reflected in the low valuation and possible high return, I question whether this is the best horse in the cannabis race.
While other companies are profitable or near profitable, we are lagging and may never catch up and become profitable and could ultimately fail.
I don't see Canopy as a successful grower, their strength is in marketing.
Even if legislation passes, can they still wedge themselves into a profitable and significant market position, after everything that has happened, or are they doomed to eventual extinction? That STZ has openly distanced themselves is not reassuring.