Trapped wrote: PSA: Investors who live in a constant state of fear always lose. Chumps like Nicky spend their entire lives worried about the monsters hiding under the bed or in the closet. Meanwhile, real investors are making money that they're using to diversify their holdings, generate cash flow and grow their asset base over time. I fear nothing and print cash flow month after month.
Remember, we are not investing in stocks - We are investing in businesses. It's an important distinction.
Choose great companies with a history of earnings growth and let time do its thing. Or, you can simply worry about the next recession, warm winter, interest rate hike, Russia, the Permian or whatever else scares the hell out of barely literate morons who pay too much attention to fear-mongering headlines.
Those headlines are created to generate clicks and trading commissions - nothing more. And they are the enemy of long-term, disciplined and successful investors. I feel sorry for AN, not because he's of low intelligence, but because he got taken in by the financial news media and has been trained to lose money by living (and trading) in fear.
Cheers and GLTA ARX Bulls.
angelnicky wrote: Did you hear of ell Nino, warm winter this year?
this is a headwind to the gas players, when gas continues to drop in price arc revenue will continue to suffer, money spent on buybacks will be good to have now on the balance sheet,
merry Christmas