2024 will be the re-startI've traded but never invested in weed stocks many times over the past decade.
Although I don't think legalization will happen in 2024, nor do I think rescheduling is imminent in the next 90 days. I am extremely bullish for the second half of the year as the rhetoric for legalization is guaranteed to take hold.
Green Thumb and Tilray are my favorite. They have the best balance sheets in their respective countries. No position in either at the moment, however once the market pukes some of these gains up, i will be looking to build a gradual position.
Overall market conditions are extended and need to digest some of these gains which I suspect will happen in the third week of January.
TLRY has a lot of positives going for it. Financials are strong, brand following and diversified income streams.
I suspect we'll see it finish the year at $8 USD