The Goldstorm mineralized system is comprised of six distinct mineralized domains including Copper Belle, 300H, CS-600, Deep Stockwork 5 (DS5), Route 66 (R66), and North-South Stockwork (NS STK). The Copper Belle domain exists at the southwest end of the Goldstorm Deposit and represents a gold-dominant, shear hosted mineralized system. The 300H, CS-600, and DS5 domains comprising the Goldstorm mineral system are tabular bodies dipping 45 to 50 degrees to the northwest. The near surface 300H domain hosts pervasively disseminated auriferous-pyrite and fine gold-bearing pyrite veinlets and stringers. The CS-600 domain underlies the 300H domain and gold-copper dominant mineralization is associated with quartz veinlet stockworks, hydrothermal breccias, and porphyritic diorite intrusive stocks. Beneath the 300H and CS-600 domains are the DS5 domain which is a gold-dominant quartz-pyrite veinlet stockwork zone that carries minor silver values. Additionally, the R66 and NS STK domains represent narrow 20 – 50 m corridors of north south striking, high-grade gold dominant, quartz stockwork mineralization.