Interesting Graph Regarding Gasoline ConsumptionI stole this graph from Art Berman on Twitter:
Art Berman (for those that are not familiar with him) is essentially a radical leftist that found himself working as a petroleum geologist. He is a living contradiction, he completely believes mankind is destroying the earth from burning fossil fuels, but chooses to make his living in the field. When he is not bashing Trump or some other conservative figure or paradigm, he posts actual honest data that supports an energy expansion as opposed to energy transition. The irony of Berman, is he espouses we use less energy in the future to save the planet. No energy transition for him, just reduction, gloom and doom.
Snarking on Berman aside, the graph suggests we are in the middle of an energy expansion. In other words, EV's are not going to hurt oil consumption or Suncor.
Counter intuitive to some, but worthy of consideration none the less IMO.