From Champ to ChumpFor investors reading about the sad loss of this once prominent investor for the first time, Matica is changed names to West Islands Brands.
I would also add that Matica trades as WIB, it is halted and is basically worthless.
As JR has gratiously stated on his involvement with Matica, this Company caused him to change from a Hero to a Zero. Champ to Chump.
Be careful in your trades as it can become lifechanging!
jrussellhustles wrote: I stated earlier that I was going to pick up an extra 300k of MMJ at $.45 cents just to keep the shorters on their toes, but as deperate as the bashers are here today, it's obvious that they can't cover at $.49, so I'm upping my buy to 500k on Monday as well just to make it even harder for these poor fools. It's great seeing these losers sweat, I love it!. Great time to buy guys, watch this stock skyrocket this week. Good luck to all those invested in Matica