RE:Scientism the new religion of the ageThe issue I see is not science, rather the merger of political/corporate agendas that now selectively wield science like a weapon; while other science that doesn't fit their agenda is censored and dismissed. This is why there must be a firm division between science, corporations and governments. Unfortunately with governments largely in bed with corporations, this has become impossible, as they provide research funding. This is only going to get worse as more and more corporations opt to move to a private vs public model of ownership. People need to step up and demand a clear separation between state and corporations. The same as has occurred with government and religion.
WINDGOD46 wrote: The development of science and technology in order to raise productivity and maximize profit by the industry, has elevated science and technology to the status of religion. Everything is "scientific" these days from promoting nonsense on TV to name it. Along with science and scientism has come the desire of everybody to tell the future. The prophets of doom and gloom of the past have been replaced by the "scientist" be they in the sphere of the natural sciences, psychology, sociology, economics, markets, business, and the list is long. So the so called analysts do not want to be left behind the other "scientists", they feel "penis envy", to use Froyd's expression, and try to pose themselves as scientists as well. Hence these outrageous "predictions" about the target prices of the stocks. They do not want to be left behind other scientists. On what grounds they make the predictions does not matter as long as they make some kind of prediction, otherwise, not to make them is "bad for business". And so there you have the future prices stocks!!