RE:RE:RE:KNT January 2024 Catalysts I did want to follow up on my one caveat to the last post (ie unplanned shutdowns).
is anyone else concerned that knt is running their processing equipment well above
the stage 2a design??
Their specific comment was that for 3rd quarter they averaged 1317tpd.
Then they mention 3 days in October of 4th quarter (Oct 6,8,10) where they're running
at 1902,1921,2027 which averages 1950.. that's 48% above the 1317 tpd 3rd q baseline.
Part of you wants to say fantastic and part of you wants to say equipment failure.
i have no doubt that knt has multiple parts backup for bushings, bearings, filters, etc, etc
but I would also expect them to report downtime after the fact when you push equipment
this hard. That said, if you can run 48% above design then you can stand some downtime
but also expect higher cost to run the process plant.