RE:approval of at least 66-2/3 per cent of the votesFossi hyped CZO's step-wise development plan for PGX
as a "MUST" and "in the right framework" less than nine months ago.
For fossi it was the most promising development point as fossi promoted
a potential tripling of sales towards 2026. Now the 5X scale-up is set to
be commisisoned in Q1 and Natex is working on the 10X scale-up
with 50% of the equipment and infrastructure in place as of Nov. Ronnie is "thrilled"
with how AEZS can complement CZO's growth plan and AEZS's Chair
believes AEZS's capital can complment CZO's growth plan. fossi doesn't
want anyone talking about the PGX plan as Gilles also informed shareholders
CZO has been in talks with serious potetial partners at the AGM. CZO could be
headed to NASDAQ.