Who hear on this board thinks JR is an expert? (I do)JR is a rather humble man who would never be boastful about his expertise!
Yes, he posts 40+ times ona penny stock he doesn't own.
But so what?
He has admitted to me privately that he needs the fellowship of QMET investors to fulfill an otherwise lonely existence.
This is why I banter on occation as he is a warm and caring poster who only wants success for the folks here.
But, what is he an expert in if he owns zero shares of QMET?
You have to know his history as he was formerly known as DaveKnowsBest, but he had his membership cancelled. Sad, as he was the leading proponent of a now bankrupt Company known as Matica.
Yes, he posted 1,000 of posts monthly about the can't miss riches he was to attain with his Matica. He was the resident expert there and all shareholders held him in the highest esteem. He was on a first name basis with the president of the Company---a man named Boris.
Because of his prominence, it is rumored that Boris (pres. Matica) sold most of his shares to JR which helped him to accumulate his 1+Million shares.
This post from JR will be inscribed on the statue being built on that massive land package awaiting the million sq ft Greenhouse!
Thanks again JR----you are our hero!
jrussellhustles wrote: I stated earlier that I was going to pick up an extra 300k of MMJ at $.45 cents just to keep the shorters on their toes, but as deperate as the bashers are here today, it's obvious that they can't cover at $.49, so I'm upping my buy to 500k on Monday as well just to make it even harder for these poor fools. It's great seeing these losers sweat, I love it!. Great time to buy guys, watch this stock skyrocket this week. Good luck to all those invested in Matica.