RE:If you Vote yes"I have to agree. Gilles should buy significant amount of shares or get compensated solely on value creation in order to demonstrate real commitment and not just draining of shareholders money."
He's added to his holdings over time. As of the Information Circular last year he held 1,739,000 shares and 820,000 options. He's dedicated the most important years of his career to this company. This is his baby. In terms of personal, financial and professional commitment it has been strong. Gilles has never sold a single share and how many CEO's can say that over a decade?
We've been in the worst bear market in history for biotech. Price has meant little in terms of performance. CZO's main client went missing during a once a decade reorganization, for sake of argument; but is expected to return. CZO is in a proposed merger at the moment with full details expected to be released around Jan. 31, 2024. The price has been affected by factors outside of Gilles control. Gilles has convinced arguably the most important biotech executive in Canada to join the Board of Directors and become Chairman and he is "thrilled".