Efficacy of different strains of BCGCarcinoma In Situ (CIS): Is There a Difference in Efficacy between Various BCG Strains? A Comprehensive Review of the Literature This paper was published online on Jan. 5.
There is evidence that the different strains of BCG are equally effective in preventing the recurrence and progression of papillary NMIBC. The question being asked in this paper is whether this is also the case with CIS. The answer appears to be a tentative "yes".
This is very important in that the current shortage of the Tice strain of BCG, produced by Merck, has led to an increase in bladder cancer recurrence, progression and probably cystectomy. The FDA does not currently allow the use of any other strain for US treatments. If other strains turn out to be effective and they get FDA approval this could ease the negative effects of the Tice BCG strain shortage.
One of the authors of this paper, Alexandre R. Zlotta, a uro-oncological surgeon at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre is a Theralase consultant.