NICKEL ( r ) CO2 = METHANE GAS = METHANOL ( liquid fuel ) Rainey Nickel can convert CO2 to Methane Gas.
Pretty amazing isn't it.
Methane Gas = Natural Gas.
For years,
There have been numerous vehicles run on, natural gas.
I use to drive a natural gas 1/2 ton yrs ago where i once worked.
They were fine, got you to point A and B - but a tad lazy in responsive time
when you want to pass another vehicle.
Compressing ( Methane ) Nat Gas to liquid is costly.
Methane Gas can be converted to, Methanol.
= Liquid Fuel.
It now becomes an entirely diff game.
Liquid fuels are far easier to transport = more volume.
Methanol (CH3OH)
Notice anything ?
Still 1 carbon
Still 4 hydrogen
But when compared to Methanol,
Methanol has the added Oxygen.
= more combustive power ( oxidizer )
Rainy Nickel = Convert CO2 = Methane Gas = Methanol Liquid Fuel
= Only 1 carbon for ( platinum cateletic converter to displace )
- H = water ( corrodes fuel lines, corrodes aluminum )
Resolve - stainless steel lines ( more nickel - wink )
Corrodes rubber fuel lines
Resolve - stainless steel lines ( again, more nickel )
Horsepower - some say.... they use it to race....instead of petrolium
Some say, with the added Oxygen, adds more HP.
Methanol can attract atmospheric water into the liquid methan
Resolve - build a tighter system that prevents condensation.
Use different materials for, gas tanks, seals to thwart off,
moisture build up or, condesation.
The 1 H ( hydrogen ) in methanol will place water into oil that lubricates
Would synthetic oil rerard the water ( not allow water to intergrate ) with oil ?
That.... is a really good subject.
If it did....
the water in methanal could easily be absorbed and disapated out
out of the oil that lubricates engine.
As it is....
those who do use methanol as a fuel simply perform more
oil changes.
EV car ?
Or... deal with more oil changes ?
= more oil changes ( lol ) .
runs through the pros and cons of using methanol as a fuel.
I think methanol could be a viable solution to replace petro.
Nickel reforming CO2 = Methane = Methanol
Nickel alloys don't corrode in methanol fuels
Methanol still has lots of power / energy
Only 1 carbon = plats still needed = catelytic converters
Would 1 carb drop out = zero emissions ?
Auto manufacturers / after market parts / garages / fuel stations = kept intact
Jobs are kept
Nickel + Plat Group would compliment Methanol industry.
I wonder if Chevron is still in the mix ?
Just who is that mystery # company inwhich wellgreen's claims are owned ?