Why not a buy out?Hello guys,
I am invested in Anaconda since almost 18 years now!
You may call me silly but I ask me why not a buy out.
1,5 CAD each share and then the bigger company could build up the Goldboro mine fast.
And we would be able to buy the shares of the bigger company.
Is this so silly?
We could participate in the rising gold price and we would be rewarded for our patience over the years.
My average price is somewhat ov 0,30 CAD.
Now I have 1,050,000 shares and still buying.
So I would get 5 times my invest and then maybe a doubler with the new company which brings Goldboro to production?
What do you mean? Is this now option for us?
I had patience all over the years but now it would be time to be rewarded for all of us investors.
We had patience for so many years now.
And then if it is a good time to buy why is Kevin buying for 500 $ and not fpr 10.000 $?
All the best for you!!!