GOLD trend..NWST new targets and latest videohi all, looking over the past two weeks the markets made some nice moves as the NASDAQ and tech sector is showing strong moves. As for GOLD nothing has changed and to see the price over $2000 and maintain is key going forward. The price is ready for another new history in the making move and the fact the major miners are still in a fantastic buying opportunity based on the share price. Now looking at the juniors Northwest Copper is looking even better to load up on a minor correction and you all saw a week ago a share price hit .185 cents. We will move past the .20cents mark and beyond as this management team has no control. This is not about who runs Northwest Copper but the value they have for a major takeover as GOLD moves in this QTR. Anything goes in the next 3 months and you do not want to miss out. As for Copper this metal is now starting this FOMO approach again and with CHINA now looking at the Taiwan elections i cannot wait until 6pm when we open! The US markets are closed on Monday however GOLD and all metals trade. So perfect timing on the Taiwan elections, GOLD moves coming and the Major Minors have yet to move. The junior space is one to hold on and load up on shares that have a big asset and own 100% like Northwest Copper.
Also the VRIC conference this month is going to be the biggest ever and its free! perfect timing this month. Also we have the FOMC meeting at the end of the month so all this news, updaets and martket moves is making January an interesting month. Also do not forget Bitcoin and the ETF's taking over the media and GOLD is being ignored. At the end of it all when push comes to shove GOLD, the minors and the explosive opportunity in the juniors will be next! There is nothing stopping it as there is too much risk out there.
below is the GOLD chart and what a healthy minor correction in the first two weeks of January! Get ready for a new comeback past $2100!!!
Northwest copper trend......we are going back North of .18 cents and test .22 cents or higher....
now the latest update on GOLD from Chris and its a good one...
Latest video with Sprott Money and Chris also sees GOLD move and S&P
Last the VRIC info coming soon and the timing is perfect for this month!!