Did you listen to the MoMoMyster? And survived to fight another day? Or did you listen to the wrong folks...... dying here......and are goig down with the ship like poor Leo did?
Why do i asK?
Because it WAS a question of the survival of your investment here.......
Why do i care?
I don't really.......BUT i do my part to help folks in need if i can and they're willing ot listen....
So did YOU listen or not? If so........
What decision did you make?
Did you take the Red Pill as MrMoMo strongly suggested or did you take the Blue Pill and stayed imprisoned in Dm's LaLaLand Matrix?
I'm farily confident there's some of you that DID listen & pulled a Neo by taking MrMoMo's sound advice.........
What WISE advice was that you ask?
The following below........in Chrono"logical" order ......of course....8)
So.....For those of you who took MrMoMo's (aka The Great Morpheus) sound, wise & crucial counsel......By taking that damn Red Pill, swallowing whole with no hesitation and buying ......taking a chance on STND.....then.....
....Congrats my dear friends......you're indeed ONE of the few survivors to escape The dreaded DM Matrix trap.....and SAVED your investment from certain death. But not only saved THAT investment my dear friends, but also your own behind, peace of mind and also made some decent coin in the process........ including the all important KEY factor...... to live on & to fight another day!
Enjoy the fruits of your intellect and you're well placed bet on Me!
You are Welcome......btw......
P.S...We are sad to report that Jnitewin17 "Aka Cypher".....is toast........we were unsuccessfully in unhooking from the Matrix as he took a whole bottle those pesky BLue Pills......which resulted in him haluncinating "thinking" he was eating a a sucilint steak. but was actually eating EXPIRED JEllo.....RIP Jnitewing17 AKA Cypher.....! You will not be remembered but you WILL BE forgotten!Also MIA was Kerpluktion.....TheTank......."UpIn"Smokey.....Odin......AiQueen......Bent "OVER"ley.......Swyint123666......Violatedspirit....Mr.MUT...RazerRamonKresations....Shloser......Cryogopher...
.....PanhandlerStocks......TheCrook.....rolledthedice......TheGreat GHZTECKY........Mr BamBam.....Scott"rosecoloredglasses"....the Guy with the Ukranian flag in his avatar aND so so many many more.......All RIP, AWOL or MIA......