RE:WELLYes...Agree! NO GOOD comes out of investing there TODAY..especially TURKEY...Better Bet..find a EU play..where they need to explore way more so, than ever before..The hell With ESG!!!!..Europe needs their own resourses home grown...THEY HAVE HUGE NATURAL GAS to explore in Europe and a huge change in developement towards Nuclear Energy...Thats the fact and where the future is Europe. Turkey is a bad were telling us that a year or so ago...NOW, everything has changed..OPEC +, at a cross road, in my opinion...U.S. Dollar not the worlds Fiat currency..being challenged by the new BRICS plus countries and growing..GOLD is where one needs to be during these times...JMO. FIND A EU play that can give you the 10 bagger you are looking for....TCF is not one of my opinion..