Shortly!1) "Adds >> SIGNIFICANT<< growth expertise."
“I would like to welcome Mr. Valente to the Nano One team as a full-time CFO,” said Nano One CEO Mr. Dan Blondal. “We are confident that he will contribute significantly to >> SHAREHOLDER VALUE << and to the execution of our licensing strategy, business objectives and growth targets in the cathode sector.”
2) "Carlo Valente joins Nano One as CFO >> E-F-F-E-C-T-I-V-E << Jan 15, 2024"
3) "Nano One wants to help build a factory" = "Nano One wants to help build a factory?".
Nano One Materials needs help? Really? Just look at the face of Sbastien Dakin? :))
Nano One Materials has never expressed itself so clearly!!! Licensing and commercialization are just around the corner!
From now on, from January 15th, 2024!
These are not coincidences! There is no previous appointment of a senior employee by Nano One Materials with a date and this clarity in terms of content. (Carla Matheson, Lisa Skakun, Gordon Kukec, Adam Johnson, Denis Geoffroy, Sbastien Dakin, ...)