GUYS...I'm merely pointing out other opportunities beyond - nickel con / matte.
I feel there are far larger markets to cater to.
It's great taliking about the ev nickel, copper markets but....
i don't think it has a place in cold climate regions.
Take for instance - Edmonton's current weather has the elec grid at capacity.
Warning citizens to conserve elec and not charge their ev's.
Pause and think about that.
Which is why i've placed emphasis on - other key energy markets.
Less competition. More opportunity.
Plat Group along with Nickel are superb metals ( even alloyed )
that can produce hydrogen the cheapest.
It is my belief,
Whom ever begins producing methanol will position themselves
above the pact.
Plat Tech + Water + Bio CO2 = Methanol
Stop video at 0.28 sec mark.
There it is = H2 CO2 = Methanol
Technology exists
which convert diesel engines to accept Methanol.
That's pretty simple for Govt's to mandate transports to convert over.
Versus what companies would dish out with CO2 emission taxes.
Yukon would be a great area to try a ( closed sandbox ) test.
Most transport companies have contracts to ship to distant areas like Yukon.
= easy to modify a contractors fleet.
Chieftan Energy accommodates Yukon's fuel needs.
Notice Shell is in the mix.
Would ncp ever entertain such an idea ?
Haven't a clue.
I simply provide alternative ideas - inspirational ideas that are indifferent than the norm.
Not all juniors should be purposing their metals to just ev's.
There are " other " great energy ideas waiting to be explored, developed.
I've also been exploring what make helium indifferent from hydrogen ?
Proton + Electron.
And the idea of stabalizing hydrogen with seeding of, electron.
As for CNC ?
It's great they secured a Korean contract.
Tad small on the percentage.
Question ?
Is Anglo still invested ?
Does it make sense 2 miners taking stake in a junior ?