RE:2 Things we know for sure We were told that the pgx scale up would be completed by the end of last month and have heard nothing so one can only assume that this just another one of Gagnon false (lies) pipeline hopes in a string of many.
This comes from a guy who rakes in over $948,000 from Aezs and $600,000 from Czo. That is over $1,500,000. I remember proph saying the reason that gagnon does not buy stocks in Czo is because he is not a millionaire, well guess what that was another falsehood brought by gagnon, aka proph.
gagnon is at least consistent in one area, never say anything, promise the world, deliver on nothing and collect millions in compensation.
But wait, proph will deliver the words of gagnon's puppet regime leader, Egbert and no show Ronnie telling us that all is well, even though we are now in penny stock territory.
I truly believe that no matter what gagnon does it will not matter as the market has realized what this shrew really is.