Vizsla silver has 155 million ounces silver indicated...and their market cap is almost 400 million $ cdn as of this writing.. Apollo (APGO) has 110 million ounces of silver indicated yet APGO's market cap is only 20 million $ canadian at the moment..
So Vzla has only 45 million ounces indicated of silver more than APGO but is worth about 365 million dollars more..
Ok, so Vzla has a higher grade silver, it also has another 170 million ounces inferred ( Apgo has another 50 million ounces of silver inferred) and Vzla has more gold as well, but for it to be valued at 19X of APGO is absurd...
APGO needs to find a new ceo that will light a fire under this stock..Apgo is certainly worth a lot more than 20 million$ cdn..