RE:Estimated Free Cash Flows"In Q1 , that number was $957 US per ounce which is near identical to that forecast in the FS.
Rounding to $1000 US per ounce @$2000 POG, we are free cash flowing $1000 US per ounce equivalent to about $1300 per ounce in CAD."
According to some calculations, MMY only gets about 1500 USD per ounce of concentrate and the rest goes to the smelter or the "buyers"
4,607 ounces of gold sold at an average realization price of USD 1,939/ounce for an estimated USD 6.91 million
Gross margin of USD 3.01 million
Decrease in all-in-sustaining costs ("AISC") to USD 957/ounce
Or is our calculation wrong - I would be happy to be taught better