STND I'M SNIFFING ROUND HERE~hmmmPRETTY HAPPY INVESTORS and SP is still low.did a lil dd here, but just asking da LONGS whats the exit strategy here for SP mid term hold in your opinion?
Can you share wats the next epic newswire, to give SP a push up other than uranium spot?
anybody thks?? lots of uranium plays but this one got me to dig and sniff a wee bit.
@Rosy Question for STND IR. Will any of the execs be in Vancouver for VRIC or Roundup? 4
@STNDIR The Company does not have a booth but Jon Bey and Sean Hillacre will be in attendance. They will be meeting with investors and partners and they have a couple interviews lined up. As always, any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to 4