Optimi cash levels running on vapoursWhere do investors thing the chas to stay liquid and avoid bankruptcy is going to come from. OPTI is lucky to even generate as much as $1 Million in revenues on a yearly basis with its cash burn many times that. There is literally no prospects for any meaninful revenues in the forseeable future of the next couple of years in both psilicybin or MDMA. Its not legal in the major markets of Canada , the USA or Europe .
The only way to stay alive and aviod bankruptcy IMHO is OPTIMI needs to raise more money in the markets with a private placement / equity raise. Likely they will need to do several of these , including one very very soon. So why do these brokers who run discretionary accounts at family offices in one or two 3rd tier firms try and hold the stock price up with continuous small orders to buy when they should know an issue at much lower prices is about to hit.
With a market cap of close to $30M , negligible revenues, cash levels on vapours , IMHO the stock should be trading at under .05 cents which would represent a fair value for its current situation.
Just my two cents. Do you own due dilligence.