Besides TD mentioning the derisking of the project could result in more favourable terms for BONE, he also stated in the April 18/23 Amendment LOI News Release-
"Notwithstanding, Boron One is under no obligation to accept Unit Purchase funds from OL after April 30, 2023".
In other words the revised PP share price of $.12/share and the warrant price of $.24/warrant are no longer in play, and I expect PP costs will once again increase.
Also during the first Town Hall Meeting, TD stated a legal Contract document had been prepared and awaited signatures by both respective Parties.
IMO, this is where the terms for the "Financial Partnership" will be outlined and agreed to by both Companies.
From my experience the Contract document will supersede the LOI terms, when the Contract is signed & monies are submitted.
FYI, we are fast approaching one year since the original LOI was prepared on Jan31/23.